Most Road Accident States in India – Verified List

Chirag Arora | September 10th, 2020 | Tips

In this blog post, you will come to know the most road accident cities, states in India. Read this write-up carefully and be safe.

Among the Indian cities, the capital city of Delhi had the most number of road accident deaths. There are many reasons or causes of road accidents in India like over speeding, the use of mobile phones, multitasking at the time of driving, and many more.

Most car accidents in cities

Most Road Accident States in India

most road accident states in India is Delhi. It is the most populated one as well. People generally do over speeding, and speeding caused more than 44% of all accidental deaths on Delhi‘s road last year, Statistic And Facts on Road accidents in India released by the Ministry of Road transport and highways.

After Delhi Chennai is the second most state in road accidents in India where cases are very high. This makes Chennai one of the most dangerous cities in India for the past few years.

In the past few years, India has witnessed rapid urbanization and modernization. This has resulted in significant growth in vehicular traffic in the country. Road expansion has been taking place now. Road accidents are also increasing with the expansion of roads.

After Chennai, Bengaluru is next in the highest road accidents in India. Road accidents in Bengaluru are also increasing day by day.

Indore is a small city and it is very surprising to know about it that this city ranks fourth in the highest number of road accidents.
We all have to be very careful while driving on roads.

Statistic On-Road accidents in India

On average, 1317 accidents and 413 deaths due to road accidents take place on Indian roads every day, or 55 accidents and 17 deaths every hour. One serious road accident in India occur every minute. Almost 20 children under the age of 20 die every day in India due to road accidents.

Cause of Road Accidents in India

There are many causes of road accidents in India but the most important one is Distracted driving. Distracted drivers are the top cause of car accidents nowadays.

Then other reasons are criminals that drove drunk, speeding, violation of traffic lights like rain a red light.

Many people do not obey traffic rules and regulations. This is also one of the main reasons for road accidents.

How to Avoid Road Accident & Over Speeding

To control and identify the speed limit we have an application i.e.
SpeedoMate, which will notify people in advance regarding the speed detector cameras and if your current speed limit exceeds the required speed limit. By this people will be able to know about the speed limits of different places and can get rid of heavy challans as well.

Bottom line

India is one of the busiest countries in the world in terms of road traffic. The automotive industry across the south Asian country became the fourth largest in the world in 2017.

In 2019, there was almost three million new car registration in the country with the rapid increase in the number of cars and congested Indian roads which leads to an increase in risks of road accidents, road safety has turned into a factor of utmost importance for the country’s citizens.