How to Reduce Challan Amount?

Chirag Arora | September 16th, 2020 | Tips

In this blog, we are going to discuss how a person can reduce challan amount or how can you save a lot of money by the help of application

In this blog, we are going to discuss how a person can reduce challan amount. There are many reasons as to why a person can get issued a challan. He or she could get a penalty ticket sent via SMS or post or on-spot of the offense. The solutions that we are going to present can be used to reduce online challans as well. But the challan issued should be within 15 days only or else, you will not be able to reduce challan amount it.

There are two types of challans: Automated challans and Manual challans. Automated challans are those that are captured and issued by the speed or traffic surveillance cameras. Manual challans are those challans that are issued by the traffic police on the spot. Let’s look at the reasons for automated challans.

Reasons for Automated Challans:

The offences and the solution to the offences are mentioned below:  

  1. You could get a challan issued for speeding.
  2. During the COVID situation, if you or your co-passenger is not wearing a mask, you will be issued a challan.
  3. In case you have jumped a Red light or entered the intersection after the light has turned red, you will again get a penalty ticket.
  4. Racing on the roads will get you a ticket.

All of the above mentioned issues are captured by the speeding cameras or the traffic surveillance cameras placed all over Delhi. These type of offences can’t be controlled as some people have issues with keeping the different speed limits in mind.

There is a sure shot solution for not getting a challan for these offences ever again. It is just a simple application which can help you save a lot of money. How? This application will warn you every time you are exceeding the speed limit of a certain area. You will receive a notification if this app senses a speed camera or a traffic surveillance camera approaching.

Since these cameras capture images of the vehicles, the number plate, the color of the vehicle, model of the vehicle, the date, time, and location are recorded.

Reasons for Manual Challans:

  1. If you do not have your driving license with you.
  2. If you do not have the Registration certificate (RC) of your vehicle.
  3. You have forgotten the PUC (pollution certificate) somewhere.
  4. If you make a U-turn where it is mentioned that you are not allowed to make a U-turn.
  5. If you jump a red light.
  6. If you are not wearing a seat belt, you will again get a ticket.
  7. If you are not wearing a helmet while riding a bike or scooter, you will be issued a penalty ticket.
  8. If you are using your phone while driving.

In such cases, you can control having to pay the challans. For not having your documents, you can submit all your documents within 15 days of the day of the issued challan. But, you can only reduce challan amount if you already have the documents made and have just forgotten them at home or someplace else.  You can tell that you had forgotten the documents and pay 100/- and get the challan cancelled.

You can be careful and not jump a red light or make a U-turn where it is prohibited. If you have to make an urgent call or a text message, you can do so by parking your car on the side for a few minutes or on a red light instead of using your phone while driving.

Make sure you wear a seatbelt while driving. Wear a helmet whenever you’re riding a bike or a scooter. If the helmet suffocates you, take it off on the red light for a few seconds. It is not punishable if you take off your helmet on the red light and wear it back before the light turns green.

Sure Shot Solution

This solution is an application called Speedomate that is built to avoid getting into situations where a person has to pay a challan amount for any offense that he or she may have made unknowingly. The speed detecting cameras have sensors that can detect the speed of a vehicle. Just like that, this application has sensors that can detect the speed of your vehicle.

As soon as your vehicle over speeds, the sensor in this application activates. The app then matched your vehicle’s speed with the speed limit of the areas. You will then be notified that you are going over the speed limit. With the help of this app, you can lower your speed and driver under the legal limit.

You will also be notified if there is a speed camera or a traffic surveillance camera on the way from a certain range. This feature will remind you to keep your speed low so that you can get past the speed camera with ease. You will also be told whether there is a traffic surveillance camera on red lights. This will help you to keep in mind that you have to stop before the intersection.

It also has a voice feature which will warn you by speaking if you are over speeding or there is a camera approaching.


Reasons for the offenses that are controllable only need your attention and a little cooperation. The reasons that are uncontrollable can be overcome with the help of just a simple application that can easily be downloaded on your mobile. This will also help you to reduce getting challans, which means reduce Challan Amount to be paid.